Let me introduce you to Cloverpot
Cloverpot allows you to easily transfer funds and diversify your investments all with just a Click
Cloverpot gives you a diverse range of assets to invest in thereby minimizing risk and compounding your interest.
A personal finance management tool with over 15 different assets to invest in
CloverPot gives You control of your Finances and Investments

Our process
Collect capital from investers and divide it into investment pools
Invest pools as a group thereby reducing investment costs
Pools can be broken at any time and the cash can be liquidated
No upfront costs / minimum investment requirements
As money is collected and pooled before investing in an asset we do not require any investment reuirements
Investments made on Clover pot are compiled and made into a single investment pool. this reduces individual mandates and minimum requirements.
This means you can invest as little as 1 Dollar
on an asset.

Detailed growth and spending analysys
Clover pot provides you with easy to understand graphs and analytics to visualize your spending and capital growth.

Diversify your investments with over 100 different assets
Invest in everything from stocks, crypto, gold and P2P lending groups!!
Cloverpot offers multiple investment options with different assets and also with asset groups.
Different assets come with different risks and reward structures, thus by investing in multiple assets you can minimize risk and maximize rewards.

Chose an investment advisor to manage your funds
Clover pot provides you with multiple investment advisors to handle your investments, for free.
you can see their growth rate and their portfolio before choosing an advisor.
Advisors take a small cut from any profits made, each advisor had different activity levels (No of trades) and stability (continuous profits)
You can also choose to spread your investments with multiple advisors.
Easily create and transfer funds between Digi cards
Digital cards allow you to fragment your capital and control investments
Digi cards are the building blocks of Cloverpots investment system. It provides the user with a wide range of control over their money.
Digital cards can be used for investments, money sharing or just separating your accounts.

Transfer funds and gain rewards
Clover pot provides you with an easy and understandable payment solution, you can also transfer unbroken investment blocks.
You also receive exciting rewards for each transaction